Teen Reviews Debut

STAGS MA Bennett

S.T.A.G.S - M. A. Bennett

Reviewed by: Hannah (Aged 12)

Greer MacDonald is a student at the prestigious St Aidas the Great School. When she receives an Invitation from the Medievals -old-fashioned kids- to go for a three-day bloodsport weekend, she immediately accepts. But there are dark secrets at the Medievals’ house.

What can I say? This book was amazing! I loved how there was always the sense of murder in the air.

Truly, a book worth reading.

every heart a doorway book cover

Every Heart A Doorway - Seanan McGuire

Reviewed by: Hayley (Staff)

Ever considered what happens to the kids once they return to the regular world after their adventures to far-away, fantastical worlds? Neither had I.

A boarding school for children who return from adventures in other worlds, and can't quite seem to fit back into the 'real' world. Every Heart A Doorway was an absolutely refreshing and spectacular read. Though short, this book was packed full of intrigue and suspense, friendship, family, and superb character development.

I wasn't expecting any of the twists and turns, but was disappointed by none of them. A truly wonderful exploration of human nature, human struggles, acceptance and real world concerns.

Wonderful representation of LGBTQIA+ characters, mental health and wellbeing, and both sexual, and gender identities.

Particularly interesting was the discussion of adults believing + not believing young people. An interesting exploration into the feelings experienced by young people when they are dismissed ignored, or don't confirm to expectations.

Crossover by Kwame Alexander

Crossover - Kwame Alexander

Reviewed by: Joanna (Staff)

Josh and Jordan are 14-year-old twins, both stars on the basketball court. Just like their father, who was famous in his time.  As Jordan falls for the new girl at school and their Dad’s health declines, the bond between the twins is threatened.

I loved this quick read, told in verse. Amazing how well developed the characters are yet with so few words!  The friendship and the rivalry between the brothers is palpable, and the excitement of their basketball games builds with the structure of the words.

Very clever use of language and pacing to tell a story that is engrossing and satisfying.